

Photoperiodism: 24-h rhythmic genes

24-h rhythmic genes both in short-day and long-day conditions (Help)

426 - 450 of 1107 entries
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Probe set ID P-value FDR [asc] Symbol Name Gene Category phase (short day) phase (long day) max. correl. (short day) max. correl. (long day) amplitude (short day) amplitude (long day) rel. amplitude (short day) rel. amplitude (long day)
426 1438092_x_at [new page][B* page] 0.000149792 0.0158586 H2afz H2A histone family, member Z 10.946 0.872798 0.797872 673.206 637.259 0.270227 0.285292 0.00131483
427 1456351_at [new page][B* page] 0.000152565 0.0161144 Brd8 bromodomain containing 8 TF 8.55612 0.832386 0.845824 239.819 240.412 0.280339 0.282487 0.00418505
428 1452803_at [new page][B* page] 0.000153545 0.0161391 Glipr2 GLI pathogenesis-related 2 2.88267 0.784503 0.880581 45.8818 62.0266 0.307137 0.369144 0.0121172
429 1416288_at [new page][B* page] 0.000153641 0.0161391 Dnaja1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily A, member 1 20.7344 0.866931 0.80626 1862.86 2228.11 0.376175 0.416417 0.00161859
430 1427056_at [new page][B* page] 0.000153963 0.0161391 Adamts15 a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 15 EM 2.84132 0.889466 0.767276 40.2415 48.3571 0.436475 0.521241 0.000751646
431 1455138_x_at [new page][B* page] 0.00015423 0.0161391 Cfl1 cofilin 1, non-muscle 8.88375 0.838603 0.838829 2186.41 1634.76 0.186925 0.143977 0.00355314
432 1435775_at [new page][B* page] 0.000154666 0.0161472 Clock circadian locomotor output cycles kaput TF 3.76378 0.862516 0.811694 387.675 404.084 0.374789 0.360258 0.00184364
433 1455567_at [new page][B* page] 0.000155175 0.0161629 Cdk12 cyclin-dependent kinase 12 8.28229 0.900326 0.738161 192.286 119.705 0.472627 0.308366 0.000470056
434 1421594_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000155635 0.0161735 Sytl2 synaptotagmin-like 2 9.2824 0.937163 0.554617 33.9447 39.6626 0.329273 0.3091 6.65174e-05
435 1428652_at [new page][B* page] 0.000156526 0.0162287 0610010F05Rik RIKEN cDNA 0610010F05 gene 14.0578 0.26853 0.95339 225.866 274.204 0.180434 0.205285 0.719216
436 1419325_at [new page][B* page] 0.000157224 0.0162636 Nmu neuromedin U NH/NT 4.86978 0.883267 0.778603 129.391 42.9855 0.730061 0.275157 0.000942329
437 1451033_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000158447 0.0163223 Trpc4 transient receptor potential cation channel, subfamily C, member 4 Ch 18.2094 0.772251 0.88653 117.093 144.826 0.320539 0.398094 0.0152835
438 1420373_at [new page][B* page] 0.000158514 0.0163223 Foxj2 forkhead box J2 TF Fox 18.9915 0.957455 0.156107 11.1829 9.74885 0.218117 0.209814 1.44121e-05
439 1444236_at [new page][B* page] 0.000159516 0.0163585 AW552393 expressed sequence AW552393 8.42982 0.88714 0.770117 99.3842 98.8398 0.347278 0.343421 0.000820381
440 1435304_at [new page][B* page] 0.000159794 0.0163585 Sod1 superoxide dismutase 1, soluble EM Ng 6.56681 0.828793 0.847249 189.125 152.921 0.409583 0.301898 0.00458305
441 1440975_at [new page][B* page] 0.000160152 0.0163585 Mxra7 matrix-remodelling associated 7 11.0473 0.883929 0.776457 138.472 81.6593 0.4357 0.33897 0.0009257
442 1422731_at [new page][B* page] 0.000160548 0.0163585 Limd1 LIM domains containing 1 6.38153 0.940482 0.526763 168.408 93.44 0.318676 0.19662 5.65398e-05
443 1456978_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000160679 0.0163585 D19Ertd652e DNA segment, Chr 19, ERATO Doi 652, expressed 14.1329 0.924167 0.644121 131.03 61.6149 0.409851 0.366062 0.000150773
444 1430003_at [new page][B* page] 0.00016108 0.0163607 6330412A17Rik RIKEN cDNA 6330412A17 gene 16.1238 0.92078 0.665803 47.0208 49.3548 0.365055 0.382808 0.000190683
445 1419637_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000161427 0.0163607 4833420G17Rik RIKEN cDNA 4833420G17 gene 10.5391 0.866033 0.805112 143.877 140.958 0.225472 0.234241 0.00166183
446 1435719_at [new page][B* page] 0.000163468 0.0165304 AI448984 expressed sequence AI448984 9.11598 0.831761 0.843381 132.905 93.2791 0.41892 0.25529 0.00423605
447 1433500_at [new page][B* page] 0.000165652 0.0167138 Dennd2a DENN/MADD domain containing 2A 2.55287 0.880715 0.780149 107.442 82.7976 0.329346 0.327062 0.00102658
448 1439630_x_at [new page][B* page] 0.000167455 0.016858 Sbsn suprabasin 8.92714 0.907515 0.713556 249.687 121.571 0.433297 0.215182 0.000358085
449 1440742_at [new page][B* page] 0.000167878 0.016863 8.86158 0.868672 0.798856 75.8435 39.7671 0.635861 0.382854 0.00152103
450 1436908_at [new page][B* page] 0.000171656 0.017186 Pcm1 pericentriolar material 1 9.19574 0.86735 0.799966 544.645 528.917 0.359878 0.346917 0.00159309
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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