

Photoperiodism: 24-h rhythmic genes

24-h rhythmic genes both in short-day and long-day conditions (Help)

876 - 900 of 1107 entries
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Probe set ID P-value FDR Symbol Name Gene Category phase (short day) phase (long day) max. correl. (short day) max. correl. (long day) amplitude (short day) amplitude (long day) [asc] rel. amplitude (short day) rel. amplitude (long day)
876 1423795_at [new page][B* page] 0.000300276 0.0244795 Sfpq splicing factor proline/glutamine rich (polypyrimidine tract binding protein associated) TF 20.0725 0.832079 0.816525 602.11 661.617 0.487576 0.469759 0.00420944
877 1416700_at [new page][B* page] 0.000617486 0.0362062 Rnd3 Rho family GTPase 3 20.4054 0.869753 0.712089 386.215 539.874 0.487748 0.437729 0.0014656
878 1439504_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000315863 0.0249051 Zfp28 zinc finger protein 28 TF 9.40476 0.910489 0.644277 58.6372 24.8253 0.488222 0.224467 0.000315958
879 1449283_a_at [new page][B* page] 8.07781e-05 0.0113353 Mapk12 mitogen-activated protein kinase 12 9.85448 0.818924 0.879273 117.197 62.6196 0.488886 0.267216 0.00581362
880 1452271_at [new page][B* page] 0.00019144 0.0182759 Xpr1 xenotropic and polytropic retrovirus receptor 1 7.94603 0.875417 0.780388 556.947 309.486 0.490458 0.240252 0.00120729
881 1439523_at [new page][B* page] 0.00112077 0.0474345 Bend4 BEN domain containing 4 20.3153 0.861323 0.681073 39.9881 47.5843 0.491273 0.444805 0.00191459
882 1444742_at [new page][B* page] 2.29714e-05 0.00595422 8.47662 0.908865 0.827445 48.726 59.2923 0.491352 0.49132 0.00033813
883 1454014_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000746228 0.0390437 Mkks McKusick-Kaufman syndrome protein 20.3504 0.851708 0.735614 150.599 189.239 0.491989 0.571846 0.00253099
884 1418549_at [new page][B* page] 5.40755e-05 0.00916864 Cga glycoprotein hormones, alpha subunit NH/NT 6.70848 0.674379 0.938358 7186.88 5529.16 0.49239 0.383296 0.0626571
885 1442682_at [new page][B* page] 0.00101151 0.04562 17.0633 0.803858 0.784611 18.4752 22.4864 0.492473 0.661122 0.00818385
886 1447676_x_at [new page][B* page] 5.31099e-08 0.000245668 S100a16 S100 calcium binding protein A16 6.4115 0.888963 0.973571 1816.23 991.25 0.494032 0.314649 0.000768276
887 1424011_at [new page][B* page] 7.16832e-05 0.0106348 Aqp9 aquaporin 9 Ch 5.62472 0.820613 0.882351 35.2752 37.4534 0.495247 0.556058 0.00559522
888 1416567_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000962614 0.0445489 Atp5e ATP synthase, H+ transporting, mitochondrial F1 complex, epsilon subunit 7.04441 0.739598 0.838459 824.769 349.444 0.495617 0.230261 0.0262832
889 1438754_at [new page][B* page] 2.89136e-05 0.00660072 7.53722 0.86522 0.875372 125.8 74.7588 0.495704 0.402653 0.0016973
890 1424611_x_at [new page][B* page] 0.000192263 0.0182938 Trub2 TruB pseudouridine (psi) synthase homolog 2 (E. coli) 10.4679 0.850031 0.817466 353.084 281.077 0.496726 0.490424 0.00264517
891 1452053_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000857408 0.0417602 Tmem33 transmembrane protein 33 22.4888 0.873802 0.67124 751.739 752.497 0.496753 0.413593 0.00127048
892 1420123_at [new page][B* page] 2.75298e-06 0.00214072 Tcta T-cell leukemia translocation altered gene 7.03955 0.897419 0.910997 1161.27 568.997 0.496876 0.268565 0.000537682
893 1450967_at [new page][B* page] 8.29396e-05 0.0113353 Ptplad2 protein tyrosine phosphatase-like A domain containing 2 4.53195 0.902402 0.774062 113.566 59.6108 0.497097 0.281262 0.000433472
894 1437623_x_at [new page][B* page] 0.000282684 0.0234362 Xrcc3 X-ray repair complementing defective repair in Chinese hamster cells 3 8.82479 0.837453 0.813148 47.7782 26.8137 0.499119 0.332139 0.00366511
895 1438427_at [new page][B* page] 7.2292e-05 0.01069 Fam120b family with sequence similarity 120, member B TF 9.45634 0.898752 0.789989 133.296 94.2716 0.499213 0.335291 0.000509967
896 1418744_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000755724 0.0393579 Tesc tescalcin TF CA 6.95122 0.851673 0.734755 649.568 428.056 0.500592 0.367138 0.0025332
897 1441764_at [new page][B* page] 2.67408e-05 0.00635196 Prdm10 PR domain containing 10 TF 21.3744 0.840002 0.896931 35.999 32.159 0.501115 0.536747 0.00342232
898 1435631_x_at [new page][B* page] 6.10755e-06 0.00288441 Exoc6 exocyst complex component 6 8.26681 0.852603 0.923569 90.7496 71.1964 0.502591 0.472863 0.00246114
899 1456759_at [new page][B* page] 0.0011974 0.0492288 Lrrc4c leucine rich repeat containing 4C Ng AG 7.1587 0.79771 0.781578 96.3504 42.4675 0.502615 0.242733 0.00928472
900 1416627_at [new page][B* page] 0.000696722 0.0376322 Spint1 serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 1 8.60311 0.668417 0.882253 129.448 96.47 0.502817 0.297202 0.0669353
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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