

Photoperiodism: 24-h rhythmic genes

24-h rhythmic genes both in short-day and long-day conditions (Help)

826 - 850 of 1107 entries
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Probe set ID P-value FDR [asc] Symbol Name Gene Category phase (short day) phase (long day) max. correl. (short day) max. correl. (long day) amplitude (short day) amplitude (long day) rel. amplitude (short day) rel. amplitude (long day)
826 1442403_at [new page][B* page] 0.000684303 0.037296 B130034C11Rik RIKEN cDNA B130034C11 gene 6.67971 0.670727 0.882077 18.9815 14.591 0.308949 0.250473 0.0652502
827 1448005_at [new page][B* page] 0.000684682 0.037296 Sash1 SAM and SH3 domain containing 1 6.19329 0.791875 0.816606 694.288 720.71 0.272523 0.331612 0.0104332
828 1443500_at [new page][B* page] 0.000684709 0.037296 10.3408 0.877501 0.682324 123.316 105.284 0.462651 0.44313 0.00112747
829 1435259_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000687244 0.0373688 Tmem141 transmembrane protein 141 8.56271 0.78891 0.818895 149.585 43.7586 0.479196 0.161503 0.0110995
830 1426808_at [new page][B* page] 0.000688023 0.0373688 Lgals3 lectin, galactose binding, soluble 3 EM 6.57713 0.869737 0.703119 122.3 43.6262 0.737592 0.36268 0.00146671
831 1454979_at [new page][B* page] 0.000688531 0.0373688 Diap1 diaphanous homolog 1 (Drosophila) 6.93312 0.798136 0.810405 461.62 224.918 0.346411 0.213926 0.00919714
832 1426455_at [new page][B* page] 0.000692744 0.0375522 Cwc27 CWC27 spliceosome-associated protein homolog (S. cerevisiae) 11.2483 0.870714 0.69965 66.6751 71.5595 0.266942 0.255589 0.0014146
833 1457671_at [new page][B* page] 0.000695726 0.0376322 Homer2 homer homolog 2 (Drosophila) 20.0569 0.857288 0.7298 395.711 303.161 0.582543 0.381031 0.0021474
834 1416608_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000696475 0.0376322 BC004004 cDNA sequence BC004004 5.68241 0.854666 0.734751 983.157 646.084 0.358426 0.261746 0.0023148
835 1416627_at [new page][B* page] 0.000696722 0.0376322 Spint1 serine protease inhibitor, Kunitz type 1 8.60311 0.668417 0.882253 129.448 96.47 0.502817 0.297202 0.0669353
836 1433489_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000698242 0.0376691 Fgfr2 fibroblast growth factor receptor 2 NH/NT 4.61955 0.780519 0.824976 524.066 393.67 0.344132 0.25364 0.013125
837 1435630_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000700069 0.0377226 Acat2 acetyl-Coenzyme A acetyltransferase 2 8.35558 0.688627 0.874455 1203.11 671.991 0.435821 0.229664 0.0528625
838 1443221_at [new page][B* page] 0.000701174 0.037737 22.2028 0.556278 0.908099 4.42784 3.31662 0.275062 0.219005 0.188357
839 1416592_at [new page][B* page] 0.000703689 0.0378273 Glrx glutaredoxin 9.29766 0.755774 0.841822 137.909 94.1493 0.364244 0.218216 0.0202978
840 1416716_at [new page][B* page] 0.000704562 0.0378291 Efs embryonal Fyn-associated substrate CA 2.93374 0.840094 0.758343 132.374 92.0815 0.296434 0.275904 0.00340902
841 1421746_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000705449 0.0378317 Fbxo17 F-box protein 17 8.73594 0.880817 0.671371 51.1972 40.9522 0.323602 0.252209 0.00102548
842 1435977_at [new page][B* page] 0.000709174 0.0379726 Hdgfrp3 hepatoma-derived growth factor, related protein 3 7.87735 0.767108 0.834107 375.436 378.871 0.259292 0.25125 0.016728
843 1416362_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000709761 0.0379726 Fkbp4 FK506 binding protein 4 22.3382 0.856516 0.729527 448.763 935.191 0.24796 0.473792 0.00218731
844 1459088_at [new page][B* page] 0.00071079 0.0379826 C79557 expressed sequence C79557 19.5655 0.837581 0.761781 12.0318 19.2574 0.251377 0.412484 0.0036507
845 1434434_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000714076 0.0381131 Tcerg1 transcription elongation regulator 1 (CA150) TF 8.03458 0.907995 0.553894 534.671 567.642 0.230064 0.214262 0.000351433
846 1441281_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000716137 0.0381779 Ninj1 ninjurin 1 CA 3.55264 0.825462 0.778479 272.312 100.292 0.533491 0.334518 0.00495444
847 1434815_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000720069 0.0383323 Mapkapk3 mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 3 9.06816 0.876065 0.681492 125.618 63.4276 0.39045 0.204116 0.00117957
848 1459736_at [new page][B* page] 0.000720733 0.0383323 22.032 0.778223 0.825256 4.88688 10.9628 0.174016 0.38967 0.0136682
849 1452840_at [new page][B* page] 0.000724997 0.0384856 1500009L16Rik RIKEN cDNA 1500009L16 gene 18.6111 0.646642 0.88754 185.263 186.445 0.344807 0.43246 0.0848318
850 1434568_at [new page][B* page] 0.000725323 0.0384856 7.53117 0.791529 0.814004 104.758 51.913 0.337996 0.186583 0.0105064
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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