

Photoperiodism: 24-h rhythmic genes

24-h rhythmic genes both in short-day and long-day conditions (Help)

751 - 775 of 1107 entries
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Probe set ID P-value FDR Symbol Name Gene Category phase (short day) phase (long day) max. correl. (short day) [asc] max. correl. (long day) amplitude (short day) amplitude (long day) rel. amplitude (short day) rel. amplitude (long day)
751 1455293_at [new page][B* page] 0.000376875 0.0277736 Leo1 Leo1, Paf1/RNA polymerase II complex component, homolog (S. cerevisiae) TF 3.4601 0.783941 0.848891 173.044 230.563 0.300389 0.337026 0.0122492
752 1435077_at [new page][B* page] 2.24249e-06 0.00188365 Asxl1 additional sex combs like 1 (Drosophila) TF 6.77968 0.94138 0.849702 88.6816 27.2287 0.520417 0.184319 4.9888e-05
753 1454690_at [new page][B* page] 1.52033e-05 0.00499768 Ikbkg inhibitor of kappaB kinase gamma TF 7.86702 0.905182 0.849991 119.708 81.8134 0.189446 0.130344 0.000388018
754 1452659_at [new page][B* page] 0.000365126 0.0273547 Dek DEK oncogene (DNA binding) 9.6427 0.783927 0.850201 756.729 399.092 0.258482 0.128223 0.0122503
755 1434706_at [new page][B* page] 0.000180651 0.017696 Vcpip1 valosin containing protein (p97)/p47 complex interacting protein 1 17.8907 0.819757 0.850353 213.964 157.15 0.313589 0.200244 0.00570497
756 1423723_s_at [new page][B* page] 4.53703e-05 0.00842076 Tardbp TAR DNA binding protein TF 22.601 0.873583 0.850656 1024.88 1302.19 0.513481 0.499357 0.00128379
757 1457643_x_at [new page][B* page] 0.00111224 0.047279 9.66986 0.705919 0.850734 77.2818 55.9093 0.246059 0.190778 0.0424758
758 1452585_at [new page][B* page] 0.000140725 0.0154999 Mrps28 mitochondrial ribosomal protein S28 7.64761 0.83019 0.850904 176.823 181.973 0.314304 0.341157 0.0044101
759 1452170_at [new page][B* page] 0.000546411 0.0335288 Chpf2 chondroitin polymerizing factor 2 7.49135 0.758328 0.850944 230.716 68.5564 0.707096 0.319846 0.0194719
760 1438453_at [new page][B* page] 4.69733e-05 0.00857298 Rad51c RAD51 homolog c (S. cerevisiae) 21.8091 0.871695 0.85175 123.69 95.4378 0.578774 0.407055 0.00137026
761 1445723_at [new page][B* page] 0.000232581 0.0207716 Plcl1 phospholipase C-like 1 18.3517 0.805918 0.851795 151.962 121.801 0.458211 0.332193 0.00779362
762 1428929_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.00113459 0.047779 Slc25a26 solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier, phosphate carrier), member 26 SLC 7.91342 0.701953 0.85195 108.84 92.5796 0.248199 0.215749 0.0446875
763 1421830_at [new page][B* page] 0.000392038 0.0283662 Ak4 adenylate kinase 4 18.9869 0.777419 0.851993 197.837 113.164 0.616694 0.430812 0.0138766
764 1458669_at [new page][B* page] 0.000115885 0.0137179 9.85664 0.837239 0.852117 117.335 88.1762 0.366142 0.284917 0.00367841
765 1415747_s_at [new page][B* page] 0.000519774 0.0330461 Riok3 RIO kinase 3 (yeast) 10.4383 0.759742 0.852173 563.378 402.531 0.206593 0.132264 0.018994
766 1423217_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000226601 0.020318 Fam32a family with sequence similarity 32, member A 10.986 0.806582 0.852231 715.459 582.248 0.166818 0.141496 0.00766945
767 1456098_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000178438 0.0175934 Elmo2 engulfment and cell motility 2, ced-12 homolog (C. elegans) 3.52623 0.818171 0.852267 372.605 291.187 0.310223 0.270211 0.00592005
768 1456981_at [new page][B* page] 0.000335925 0.0260319 Tmc7 transmembrane channel-like gene family 7 18.6088 0.785507 0.852397 101.241 82.2069 0.382747 0.286387 0.0118612
769 1420772_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000100189 0.0125645 Tsc22d3 TSC22 domain family, member 3 TF 19.2489 0.842831 0.852606 930.569 1231.81 0.512037 0.600429 0.00319173
770 1428758_at [new page][B* page] 4.26931e-06 0.00250065 Tmem86a transmembrane protein 86A 9.48398 0.930146 0.852683 374.727 214.059 0.569749 0.369709 0.000107536
771 1428754_at [new page][B* page] 1.05393e-05 0.00402825 Trmt6 tRNA methyltransferase 6 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 8.80255 0.9131 0.852991 273.693 363.979 0.222308 0.284302 0.000284916
772 1444250_at [new page][B* page] 0.000661148 0.0372104 10.581 0.740959 0.853498 16.2339 23.7515 0.328746 0.371719 0.02573
773 1424383_at [new page][B* page] 4.31307e-05 0.00826035 Tmem51 transmembrane protein 51 6.962 0.872402 0.854086 105.809 92.5252 0.323824 0.309717 0.00133589
774 1455441_at [new page][B* page] 5.03572e-06 0.00259314 Map3k7 mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 7 6.90402 0.92586 0.854474 58.9236 84.7198 0.21103 0.324233 0.000135252
775 1427883_a_at [new page][B* page] 0.000661686 0.0372104 Col3a1 collagen, type III, alpha 1 CA EM SP 4.85759 0.738489 0.854693 1197.33 434.507 0.968715 0.354469 0.0267655
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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