

Photoperiodism: 24-h rhythmic genes

24-h rhythmic genes both in short-day and long-day conditions (Help)

651 - 675 of 1107 entries
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Probe set ID P-value FDR Symbol Name Gene Category phase (short day) phase (long day) max. correl. (short day) max. correl. (long day) [asc] amplitude (short day) amplitude (long day) rel. amplitude (short day) rel. amplitude (long day)
651 1416700_at [new page][B* page] 0.000617486 0.0362062 Rnd3 Rho family GTPase 3 20.4054 0.869753 0.712089 386.215 539.874 0.487748 0.437729 0.0014656
652 1434284_at [new page][B* page] 6.25448e-05 0.00997012 Bdp1 B double prime 1, subunit of RNA polymerase III transcription initiation factor IIIB TF 17.8017 0.774406 0.90981 387.656 355.318 0.267123 0.194427 0.014666
653 1435775_at [new page][B* page] 0.000154666 0.0161472 Clock circadian locomotor output cycles kaput TF 3.76378 0.862516 0.811694 387.675 404.084 0.374789 0.360258 0.00184364
654 1439181_at [new page][B* page] 0.000771124 0.0395627 Zfp658 zinc finger protein 658 TF 18.4351 0.648653 0.885411 39.0243 28.5622 0.390033 0.34212 0.08316
655 1416575_at [new page][B* page] 5.00639e-05 0.00875167 Cdc45 cell division cycle 45 homolog (S. cerevisiae) 5.19167 0.859987 0.862217 39.0543 42.1861 0.359665 0.344553 0.00198443
656 1451174_at [new page][B* page] 0.00111066 0.047279 Lrrc33 leucine rich repeat containing 33 15.0001 0.906551 0.487906 39.6142 17.0196 0.339458 0.176884 0.000371389
657 1439523_at [new page][B* page] 0.00112077 0.0474345 Bend4 BEN domain containing 4 20.3153 0.861323 0.681073 39.9881 47.5843 0.491273 0.444805 0.00191459
658 1428168_at [new page][B* page] 2.72669e-05 0.00640503 Mpzl1 myelin protein zero-like 1 4.16741 0.820515 0.908533 390.007 244.681 0.28829 0.182958 0.00560298
659 1448319_at [new page][B* page] 0.000395782 0.0283787 Akr1b3 aldo-keto reductase family 1, member B3 (aldose reductase) 6.60779 0.875313 0.732981 390.956 177.539 0.34722 0.196087 0.00121062
660 1448454_at [new page][B* page] 0.000673077 0.037296 Srsf6 serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 6 21.8664 0.806367 0.803845 391.25 728.7 0.205566 0.338047 0.00770715
661 1450376_at [new page][B* page] 7.92605e-05 0.0112413 Mxi1 Max interacting protein 1 TF 15.5533 0.872707 0.828417 391.812 310.199 0.25254 0.211407 0.00131926
662 1437904_at [new page][B* page] 0.000791699 0.0399848 Rbm45 RNA binding motif protein 45 3.60203 0.784264 0.816347 391.911 434.587 0.318164 0.276928 0.0121827
663 1416755_at [new page][B* page] 4.67152e-05 0.00857298 Dnajb1 DnaJ (Hsp40) homolog, subfamily B, member 1 19.0849 0.829308 0.889335 3911.49 3232.25 0.75747 0.522491 0.00452983
664 1441445_at [new page][B* page] 1.08534e-05 0.00411345 Per3 period homolog 3 (Drosophila) TF 14.1967 0.940227 0.78217 392.229 423.287 0.809471 0.804001 5.65398e-05
665 1424701_at [new page][B* page] 0.000216257 0.0198644 Pcdh20 protocadherin 20 CA 15.5507 0.845585 0.817067 392.312 398.538 0.399171 0.382889 0.00297887
666 1417149_at [new page][B* page] 5.27617e-05 0.00906821 P4ha2 procollagen-proline, 2-oxoglutarate 4-dioxygenase (proline 4-hydroxylase), alpha II polypeptide 21.4942 0.875049 0.842687 393.033 605.022 0.47517 0.873749 0.00122281
667 1448276_at [new page][B* page] 0.000238321 0.021117 Tspan4 tetraspanin 4 16.1025 0.871265 0.775064 393.493 273.071 1.1317 0.819673 0.00139354
668 1428197_at [new page][B* page] 3.81869e-05 0.0077832 Tspan9 tetraspanin 9 4.46265 0.870463 0.860904 394.944 237.638 0.436727 0.333061 0.00142901
669 1457671_at [new page][B* page] 0.000695726 0.0376322 Homer2 homer homolog 2 (Drosophila) 20.0569 0.857288 0.7298 395.711 303.161 0.582543 0.381031 0.0021474
670 1449851_at [new page][B* page] 0.00105847 0.0464331 Per1 period homolog 1 (Drosophila) TF 18.6702 0.894675 0.568947 396.637 355.108 0.622809 0.575102 0.000607525
671 1443221_at [new page][B* page] 0.000701174 0.037737 22.2028 0.556278 0.908099 4.42784 3.31662 0.275062 0.219005 0.188357
672 1459736_at [new page][B* page] 0.000720733 0.0383323 22.032 0.778223 0.825256 4.88688 10.9628 0.174016 0.38967 0.0136682
673 1436843_at [new page][B* page] 1.66554e-05 0.00514502 C430048L16Rik RIKEN cDNA C430048L16 gene 18.7052 0.881645 0.877312 40.1146 53.256 0.407798 0.438753 0.000997761
674 1427056_at [new page][B* page] 0.000153963 0.0161391 Adamts15 a disintegrin-like and metallopeptidase (reprolysin type) with thrombospondin type 1 motif, 15 EM 2.84132 0.889466 0.767276 40.2415 48.3571 0.436475 0.521241 0.000751646
675 1445815_at [new page][B* page] 5.47428e-06 0.00272014 Fzd8 frizzled homolog 8 (Drosophila) GPCR AG 7.31588 0.826989 0.935579 40.2794 20.5186 0.65946 0.3481 0.00478371
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TF=Transcription Factor; Ch=Channel; GPCR=GPCR; CA=Cell Adhesion; EM=Extracellular Matrix; SP=Structural Protein; Ng=Neurogenesis; Hox=Homeobox; NR=Nuclear Receptor; NH/NT=NH/NT; AG=Axon Guidance; SLC=SLC Transporter; Fox=Forkhead
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